
What Is The Tattoo You Can Read Both Ways


45 Rare Ambigram Tattoos Designs & Meanings – For Men & Women (2020)

ambigram tattoo

Ambigram tattoos are tattoos with words that have been flipped, mirrored or inverted. A design may consist of one give-and-take or a phrase. The word may either be flipped or inverted.

With some designs, once the inversion is done, the pregnant of the give-and-take may alter and in some cases, it may dissimilarity the original meaning. For instance, a word with a good significant may be inverted and take a negative meaning.

ambigram tattoo

Ambigrams were independently invented by John Langdon in the 1970s. He featured them on covers of books which led to them gaining popularity and finally people adopted them equally tattoos.


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ambigram tattoo


These tattoos are mainly placed on the forearm and then that a person can flip information technology in 1 mode or the other hence achieving the full result of the Ambigram design. Yet, some people even so place the tattoo in other locations like on the leg just its effect may non exist so visible.

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Categories of ambigram tattoos

  • Rotational Ambigram tattoos

This involves rotating a word or phrase at a certain stock-still degree. For instance, a word may be rotated at 1800 or any other degree. There are some special words when rotated may give a different meaning from the original meaning. 1 of the common examples is the word downward.

The short form of the word down is "dn". When dn is rotated at 1800, it will read as "upwards". To come up with such a tattoo, one needs to be very artistic.

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  • Mirror Ambigram tattoos

This is another mutual category of Ambigram. Information technology is not just used in tattoos, merely also in sign boards. Information technology involves a word when reflected on a mirror can mean the opposite of the original meaning.

For instance, if such a word is painted on a glass door, when entering it reads differently from when i is exiting. In tattoos, these tattoos are done on both arms.

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  • Chain Ambigram tattoos

This is another blueprint that looks dainty. It is fabricated up of interlinked words which form a chain. Letters of each word are overlapped meaning i give-and-take first before the other word ends. For 1 to identify all the words, y'all must look at the tattoo keenly. These tattoos may be represented as a diamond or a circle.

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  • Figure Ground Ambigram tattoos

This is a tattoo which consists of a give-and-take whereby spaces between letters forms another word. Again, this tattoo requires an expert who is creative enough to style letters so that their spaces forms a word that has got a meaning.

  • 3 dimensional Ambigram tattoos

three D tattoos are gaining popularity in the electric current generation. The3D effect looks great on a tattoo. A 3D Ambigram tattoo consist of word when done in 3D and viewed from different angles forms a unlike word. At that place are words with such a feature.

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These tattoos are done using geometric shapes and lines.

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  • Perceptual Shift Ambigram tattoos

This design is similar to the 3 D simply the words are not in 3D. However, the curves on the letter may generate another word when viewed from a unlike management.

  • Natural Ambigram tattoos

This design is the simplest to brand since it don't require a lot of art work. It consists of words that are Ambigrams naturally. For example, the word "suns" is natural rotational Ambigram. The give-and-take bud is also natural mirror Ambigram.

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Therefore, these designs do not need whatsoever modification to bring out the Ambigram effect.

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Types of ambigram tattoo

  • Hope Faith Ambigram Tattoo.

This tattoo consists of the give-and-take Faith done in calligraphy. However, the furnishings added to the word makes the same give-and-take read equally Hope while read from behind. If you placed a Mirror after the word, the give-and-take Hope can be seen clearly. Information technology is a very common and cool tattoo.

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  • Family Forever Ambigram Tattoo.

This another cool Ambigram tattoo. It brings out the message of togetherness equally a family. The primary word is family but when read from behind; the word together can exist formed. It is in the same category every bit the promise organized religion Ambigram tattoo.

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  • Sinner Saint Ambigram Tattoo.

This is a tattoo that contains two contrasting words as one word. In this case, the main word is normally Sinner. However, if you lot read the word from backside, y'all tin can identify the word saint.

  • Religion Hope Dear Ambigram Tattoo.

This is in the category of a chain Ambigram tattoo. It consists of iii words arranged to grade a diamond. Each word when viewed from different directions, it can form the other two words. The person who came with this must accept been very creative. It is a classic tattoo.

  • Work Difficult Play Hard Tattoo.

This tattoo consists of ii words. The master words are Work Hard. However, the designed ensures that when yous read the two words from behind, you will become the phrase Play Hard.

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  • Angel Devil Ambigram Tattoo.

This is as well another common type of Ambigram tattoos. The master word in this instance Angel. However, when read from backside, the word Devil is evident. Information technology is a blazon of Ambigram whereby one give-and-take makes 2 contrasting words.

  • The World is Mine Tattoo.

This tattoo consists of the phrase "The world is Mine". The interesting thing about it, the tattoo spells the same when viewed upside downward. It is skillful tattoo to place on the forearm.

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  • Loyalty Respect Tattoo.

This tattoo consists of one word. When viewed upside down, the tattoo spells differently. Once you volition meet the word respect while in the other example; yous will see the give-and-take loyalty.
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There are so many designs of Ambigram tattoos. The ones discussed above are just some of the examples. Others include: Truth Hurts Ambigram tattoo, Love Detest Ambigram tattoo, Never Forget Ambigram tattoo, Only God Tin can Judge Me Ambigram tattoo, Selection Destiny Ambigram tattoo, Regret Zippo Ambigram tattoo, Beloved Pain Ambigram tattoo, Memento Mori Ambigram tattoo, Forcefulness Ambigram tattoo and so many more.

ambigram tattoo

Y'all can also exist creative and come up with your own Ambigram tattoo pattern since information technology depends with how proficient you lot are at shaping messages. Otherwise, they are dainty tattoos that can be worn by either men or women.


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