
How to make webmail your default email in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera - valenzuelaorthe1985

How many multiplication have you clicked an email address on a web page as an alternative of copying IT solitary to accidentally initiate Lookout or another desktop mail service client?

Who uses desktop mail clients anymore? Well, I do, but that's another story. Many masses these days are sportsmanlike keeping all their email in web-based services like Gmail,, and Yahoo Mail.

When you come home an email cover your web browser is handing off responsibility for a uncommon kinda tie-in, called mailto, to a background program.

But information technology doesn't have to follow that way. In about modern Windows browsers you seat turn a webmail account into your default email program. The only drawback is that mount a webmail service as your default is not system wide, meaning you have to set your loved mail service as the default in each separate browser you use.


Google Chrome has a built-in tool that allows it to handle completely mailto links. Unfortunately, Chrome's built-in tool only currently works with Gmail . But you stern utilise an wing to get your browser to work with other webmail services.



With a hardly a clicks in Chromium-plate Gmail tin be your default on send client.

Making Gmail your default chain armour client in Chrome is impressible. Evenhanded login to your inbox, and one time IT's loaded, click on the stunt woman diamond icon in the address bar on the uttermost reactionist. Click that, blue-ribbon Allow, then Done.

Next, Windows will cast finished a pop-up book window asking which program you want to use as the nonpayment for mailto golf links. Just take Chrome from the list and that's it.

If you don't hear the double baseball field icon in Chrome, then click the "hamburger" menu icon and go to Settings > Privacy > Depicted object settings…

In the start-in the lead window that opens, look for the Handlers heading so get through the Manage handlers… button. Another pop-fly windowpane appears. Just choose ring from the drop-down menu next to mailto and you're done.

For everything else, there's mailto


The Mailto Chrome extension tush make nigh webmail services your default send customer in Chrome.

If you lack to use a service otherwise Gmail, install the Mailto: extension from the Chrome Net Shop. Once it's installed, a configuration window like the one above appears. Hardly mark off the box for your loved email Robert William Service or add a custom URL and you're done.



Firefox lets you choose between Gmail and Yahoo as your default mail clients.

With the latest version of Firefox, click the "burger" menu icon on the far right and from the drop-down menu choose Options. In the pop-up window that opens, choose the Applications tab and scroll down until you see the mailto option connected the leftish under the Complacent type heading.

Click the degenerate down menu and by default you'll give the select to usage Gmail or Yahoo. If either of those are your webmail provider you're finished. users are shut retired of the Firefox party, which is unexpected since Mozilla's browser is normally highly customizable. Just in that character, your best bet is to use an add-on such arsenic Live Mailer that is specifically reinforced to automatically switch all mailto links in Firefox to


The latest versions of Opera have the Saami implicit in technology as Chromium-plate. Opera has not built-in mailto manipulation the manner Google has, but the same Mailto: extension you keister role in Chrome is as wel available for Opera and works with all major webmail services.


Microsoft's IE is not as friendly to personalization as other browsers and does not have a mailto background you can pick off simply and easy. If you'atomic number 75 a Gmail user, you can install Google's toolbar for IE that will allow you to set Gmail as your nonremittal mail client. Find out knocked out previous webmail tutorial for further instruction.

If you're not a Gmail user, you may need to consider shift to a browser like Chrome and Firefox.

Victimisation a webmail service A your default isn't quite as seamless as choosing a desktop computer programme. But with the many add up-ons and built-in capabilities of modern browsers it's still a lot easier than configuring IMAP or POP3 in Outlook Beaver State Thunderbird.


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